Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Monday, November 15, 2010


Well, I can't tell you enough, how very special all our dear friends and family are for taking the time and making the effort (not an easy task in my opinion) to post on this blog. Personally, I had NO idea what a a blog doesn't even sound like something one would want to do...or maybe it's just me. Ok, now I feel very with it. I have heard about them, but it took the kids doing this to get me to even think about joining one.

Your sweet messages are a blessing to Bill and me. We will enjoy reading them over and over for years to come. The kids plan to make a hard copy book of all of this, so as to make it easy for us untechies to pick up and read at our leisure.

It has been so much fun, to see our 50 years + in pictures. Many of which, I groan when I see (Big Hair, tacky long dresses, etc). How did that ever get to be the "in" thing?

All in all our 50th could not have been more enjoyable. The kids outdid themselves! We are indeed very blessed!! Thank you once again, Sherri, Dianne, and John. You are the greatest! It was so great having you here this weekend (following our actual anniversary of Nov. 5th). Thanks for the beautiful bouquet of flowers, the catered food, and especially the spoiling you did for us. Cambria was SO fantastic as well. We love you and your fantastic families so much for all you did.

Bill and Nel (Mom and Dad)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Whenever we come to your house I have a great time. I liked the Geo-caching adventure we went on, Grandpa. Also beating you in chess was fun (except that one time when you beat me which you wrote in your notebook). Grandma, thanks for helping me to paint Kung Fu Panda and for your cinnamon rolls. I’ve also liked the times when the family plays Scrabble and other board games. Thanks for being such great grand-parents.

Happy 50th anniversary!

Love, Joel.

Happy Jubilee, Bill and Nel,

I praise God that fifty years ago he brought the two of you together and made you one. That from this union and love for one another he created and gave you two daughters and a son. Years later he added to this family a daughter in law and two sons in law.  From those additions he has blessed you with four granddaughters and three grandsons.

Bill, I agree with what you are fond of saying: The latter is better than the former!

God is truly good.

I am grateful to be part of this wonderful family.

Love, Kelley.

God the Father through his Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit continue to provide, encourage and bless you both for years to come. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Dear Grandma and Grandpa

I remember when I was little, I rode the sled down that one big hill and ended up running into a tree. You guys started all laughing at me after that happened. And when I played miniature golf, it took me FOREVER to get through every hole. I also remember that viking hat and I used to tip the horns sideways. I have lots of good memories of being at your house. Happy 50th anniversary grandma and grandpa!

Sincerely, Luke
PS: Grandma, your snails are delicious!

Grandma and Grandpa

Dear Grandma and Grandpa Huie,

Thank you for letting us go mini-golfing. I like it when grandpa gets his golf ball stuck in the water and he just keeps on hitting it until it finally comes out. I like all the things there like the arcade and the water war thing with the boats and the squirt guns connected to the boats. I also like the batting cages and watching them. Happy 50th anniversary! I also like going fishing with you. My mom told me that I once caught a turtle and I didn't want to catch it and so they let it go. I also remember the time that I caught that one fish and when I yanked it, it flew up into the air and then landed behind me inside this one pit thing. We took a picture of it. I think I still have the picture somewhere. I remember that we wanted to clean it off but it accidentally slipped out of my hands and swam away. I also remember that old tree stump with those thousands of rings and that one clock tower with all those holes in it and all the acorn shells in the clock as well. It was funny. I remember the zip-line. Once again, happy 50th anniversary. Thanks for that one treasure chest for Christmas with all that $$$. Also, I like feeding your fish. Your back yard is big as well. Happy 50th wedding anniversary grandma and grandpa Huie!

Grandpa - the worlds best car collector and fixer!
Grandma - the best fly swatter in the world!

Sincerely Sawyer

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,

Thank you so much for everything you do for us. You always have those kind smiles on your faces, and there is never a hint of stress. (Just ask for a back rub now and then!) I have lots of great memories of coming over to your house and spending time with you. You would always take us fishing, or out to the park, packing the yummiest turkey sandwiches ever. (I always like the brown bread you have). 

I always feel spoiled to have such great grandparents like you, always spending time with us, and being a great example of how we should act. I love the moments of laughter we have together, and Grandma, those yummy bowls of peaches and milk that we eat. And of course, Joel and I always loved playing with your stuffed animals. Grandpa, thank you for teaching me how to put a worm on a hook to fish, even though I wasn’t very fond of it. You also tell such descriptive stories, that I wish I could tell that great. Grandma, thank you for teaching me how to paint, you’ve encouraged us to be creative with your beautiful paintings. You have the knack for art, and we’re glad you take the time to teach us. I love the way you hug, it makes me feel so special. There is never a moment without entertainment at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. I could go on and on about all you do for us, but that would take a book to write. (Maybe I will sometime!) 

Thank you for all you do for us. I don’t know why I got such great grandparents, but all I can say is that God blessed us VERY much.

Happy 50th Anniversary! I hope you have a fantastic day filled with love and laughter together.  


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa are AMAZING!!!!!!

I love you Grandma and Grandpa!!!!

You are so amazing.  I love you Grandma for your servant spirit.  You're always in the kitchen cooking, cleaning, or just serving us.  I have all kinds of wonderful memories of you having fun with us.  You had the tea party for us girls, and we still have the water bottle fish that we made at your house!  The fish are going to decorate Tessa's room. You're great, Grandma.  You always love us (and spoil us-- but that's a Grandma's job) :)
Grandpa, you are such a stupendous Grandpa because you are always making us laugh and having fun with us.  I remember the rocket that we fired off at the park.  You love to entertain, and we love it. You both are a wonderful godly example for all of your grandkids.  WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 50th Anniversary!!!  I hope that you will have a great time celebrating your fifty years together.  Thank you for being WONDERFUL grandparents.

Gorgeous                        Great
Really special                  Revered
Amazing                          Awesome
Marvelous                       Much loved
More amazingness         Praiseworthy
Imaginative                     Admirable

With TONS of love,

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bill and Nell --

Congratulations on 50 years together!
Ever since you moved to Visalia we have been blessed by your friendship.  Bill and Nel, you are a wonderful example of a godly couple with the love and admiration you have for your children and grandchildren--also the support and kindness you have for your neighbors, church family, and the community.  We love you both and you are very special to us.  (Plus, you are great traveling companions.)
I (Martha) especially enjoy our time together during our walks.
Bill and Nel, you are both such sweet caring people.  Continue to love and honor each other and serve God.  May God bless you with many more years together.
Much Love,   Rusty and Martha Bolton

Happy Anniversary!

Dear Bill and Nel,

Congratulations and Best Wishes on your 50th anniversary. You are such an inspirational couple to all who know you; the very image of faithful, loving servants of God. I'm so very thankful that you got married!  Otherwise, I'd have missed out on one of the greatest blessings and friendships in my life -- Sherri. You did a fantastic job of raising three beautiful and Godly children. You have always welcomed me in your home and treated me with such love I've felt like one of the family too. I fondly recall trips to your home with Sherri for Christmas, her wedding, and other occasions.

I hope God blesses you with many more anniversaries and I hope you get to celebrate this one in style!

Much love,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Dear Bill and Nel,

Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary.  It is truly wonderful to watch the both of you go through life so happily together - you are an inspiration to all of us.  I wish continued happiness to my best and dearest friends.
Love and Blessings,
Jerry Tolbert

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy 50th Anniversary, Grandpa and Grandma!

I love that you always have plenty of  food (especially the cinnamon rolls). Grandma, you are a wonderful cook, and Grandpa, you are great at making me laugh. I love playing with you, and even if we don't watch Dragon Tales every morning any more, we still have lots of fun. Grandmas are for spoiling, and Grandpas are for helping the Grandmas spoil, and you have done great jobs  .Here is a story I made up (kind of) about you.

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful young girl named Nelda. She lived in a simple cottage. One day, a dragon came to her house and was about to burn it up, when a brave knight, Bill, came out from nowhere and ran as fast as he could through the woods, dashing past trees, jumping over logs, and pushing past bushes and briars. The sound of galloping horses in the distance behind him were coming ever closer. Bill jumped over a fallen tree, and landed on a root, falling face down in the dirt.  Scrambling to get up, he noticed that his ankle was throbbing terribly. The horses were coming nearer.  Bill struggled up, only to fall  writhing in pain on the ground again. Suddenly he noticed that there was a young damsel in trouble only a couple yards away. Army-crawling through the brush, Bill finally reached the cottage just as the dragon stuck his claw through the window to skewer the damsel in distress. Using his last strength, he bravely jumped up and killed the dragon with his sword.  When Nelda saw how brave he was, she married him, and they had three children, and in time had seven beautiful grandchildren. (One of which was a very great writer.)

Happy 50th anniversary Grandpa and Grandma,you are wonderful Grandparents, and I hope you have a happy anniversary!
Lots of Love,
Tessa Dawn Coker
P.S. I love you
P.P.S. very much
P.P.P.S. I always will.

Happy 50th Anniversary, Grandma and Grandpa!

Hi Grandma and Grandpa,
Happy 50th Anniversary! I hope you both have a great anniversary!
You are great grandparents.

I love how you make me laugh.  Your jokes are really funny.  It's great how you can make us laugh every time you say them.  You are just so happy and funny, and you are a wonderful grandpa to all of us.

I love how you bake things for us every time we come up to your house.  They are always so yummy. When we come up to your house for Thanksgiving, you always have very yummy food.  Also, I love how you take us out to go shopping with you sometimes. It's really fun going shopping with you.  You are a wonderful grandma.

"Hm...which one of you do I love the best?  Hm...I!" *points to both of you*. :) I love your jokes, Grandpa!! :)

I love you! Hope you have a great 50th anniversary!
Love you both,

50 Years, Sure does not seem that long.

Brenda and I were new to the Lompoc area in the early 70's and got to know you both as members of a Strong Little Church that we love so much. The 4 years we were at Vandenburg AFB was a very nice time in our married lives and you both are cherished memories of that time. We are right behind you with 43 years together. God blessed us with strong examples of Christians in you, Bill and Nelda. May He continue to bless you with many more years in life and as a couple.

Love You,
Tom and Brenda Staggs

Dear Nel and Bill:

Happy was the day that you moved to Visalia, so that our paths

We both love your firm handshakes and warm smiles, when we
meet. You are always fun to be around and conversation with you
is always easy and pleasant. We have never heard an unpleasant
word from either of you. Your helpfulness to others is well known
and greatly appreciated.

We have enjoyed the times when we have shared pot luck and
ideas when in the same "small group studies."

Nel, you are one of the friendliest persons we know. And, you are
an excellent cook!

Bill, we enjoy your inciteful comments in Bible class. You are a
great story teller and we enjoy, second hand, your love of old cars
and buying and selling things at auction. Warren appreciates your
help in the recent elections: just figure out how Bill would vote and
then vote the opposite!

We love you both.

In Christ,

Warren and Helen

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Congrats on your 50th!

Bill and Nel,
The morning we left California to move to North Carolina, we had breakfast with you as we were leaving town.  Bill ordered the 'Rooti Tooti Fresh and Fruiti'.  We were not eating at the resturant that advertised that, but you knew that, and just ordered it to see the look on the face of the little gal that was waiting on us.  As she was trying to tell you that they didn't serve that, you were laughing, Nel was embarassed, and I was thinking that this was just another day in the Huie household. We got our food, ate, and you prayed for our safety as we said our goodbyes. That was 8 years ago and although we have talked a few times, we have only seen each other a couple of times. But with good friends it doesn't matter.  Good friends are always close even though they don't see each other much.

 Thank you for your example to us on how to be a Christian family, for the hospitality you two always showed us, (and everyone else), thank you for excellent car advice, and thanks for showing Nancy and me how wives and husbands should treat each other.

Congrats on your 50th.  
Dave and Nancy

Congratulations to you both!

Although we have not been able to spend much time together, you are always in our thoughts and hearts. We often talk about times from the "good old days".  And we want to thank you -- it was at your wedding we met and have had a great 50 years together.  

Love to both of you, Gordon & Jean

Congrats, Bill and Nel!

We have good memories visiting your family and of course the once a year Thanksgiving gatherings.  We wish you a very happy 50th and many more years of health and happiness.  I hope all of your family is doing well.
Love, Hugh and Sandy

Thursday, October 28, 2010

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So it's been that long already? Doesn't seem that long to me. Oh yeah, I missed the first few years, didn't I? What can I say? I wouldn't be the man I am today if it weren't for you. I owe my life to you?

I've heard it said that the most important thing for a kid growing up is to know that their parents love each other. Of that there has never been any doubt. You kinda show it funny sometimes. But the affection is always there and it's 100% genuine. You still hold hands. You still go for walks together. Dad still climbs up on the peak of the roof during the holidays and risks his life to put some kinda of....what is it...garland or something up there. Mom still makes custard pie for Dad (which I still don't really understand). Mom lays on the couch and tries to appear to be awake while they are watching late-night television. Dad puts up with Rush Limbaugh echoing through the halls during the day. Mom doesn't seem overly concerned when Dad brings home yet another Diesel VW Rabbit pickup (his 23rd).

What but love could cause that kind of behavior?

I was going to put some anecdotes from when I was a kid but I can't remember anything before my junior year in high school. But I'm reasonably sure you took good care of us during that time. I do have some kind of vague, whispy recollections of playing that Slap Stick board game you guys bought us where you take turns hitting each other with sticks. We couldn't play the other games because they were all missing parts but it was sometimes fun to try to make stuff out of them. I think you still even have the Probe game. Has anyone ever played that? And there was that kid who beat me up on the way home from school that Sherri eventually named one of her girls after. Oh yeah and the other kid who shot a big ball bearing up in the air with his wrist-rocket and it came down right on my head and I screamed bloody murder. And Dad tried but failed to teach me to swim (sorry Dad) by flipping me backward into the deep end of a pool on our way to Florida or somewhere. But, those incidents aside, it was a good childhood mostly because we knew we were loved...and because you were there. Together.

Oh, did I mention Dianne kicking her shoe into her own head and coming into the house looking like something from Friday the 13th? Or Sherri "driving" her bike through the sidelight window rather than coming in through the door? As someone has already mentioned down below, we weren't always the smartest kids. But there was always a goodly supply of bandages or at least old shop rags that we could use to mop up the damage with.

And life is still good because we know you are there. Together.

You guys have modeled what it means to have a strong relationship and I hope some of it has rubbed off on us kids. I do try to hold the door open for Laura still when we are getting in the car and she puts up with my late nights working out back (sound familiar?). We may not have too many really big great adventures but those that we do have we have together. And we have you to thank for showing us how it's done.

Happy 50th Mom and Dad. We love you both (even if it does embarrass you to say it back Dad, we know you love us too).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Uncle Bill and Aunt Nel,

Congratulations on an event very few now days can say that they have done together. Fifty years with a partner and love one is surely a blessing. God bless you both and have many, many, more!!
Keith J. Walters

Fifty years!

Bill & Nel,
We are truly blessed to have yet another cherished couple reach the fifty year mark. We keep expecting to look back on Sundays and see you sitting in the pews behind us. We miss you here in Lompoc but keep you in our hearts! Thank you so much for your friendship and example of a loving marriage over the years. Congratulations on this special Anniversary and we pray God will continue to bless you and your family!
Kevin & Ann Thompson


Bill and Nelda:
Congratulations on this very special occasion--your 50th wedding anniversary!
It has been our privilege to have known you for most of those 50 years, and we have precious memories of times and events we have shared together.  You are wonderful Christian parents and role models, as evidenced by the family you raised and the influence you had on the Lompoc church.  You are still held in high esteem by those whose lives you touched while you were in Lompoc. 
Our prayer is that God will grant you many more years together, and that you will have good health and much happiness.  Best wishes!
Glen and Hazel Thompson

Monday, October 25, 2010


Fifty Years!! WOW! Congratulations.  Bill it's hard to imagine all you've had to put up with all those years.  Don't spend all your sympathy on yourself, though.........Save some for me..I'm right behind you.  Maybe save a little for Yoko, too.  Give each other a big kiss for us.

Love you both,

Bud & Yoko

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This reminds me of you, Mom and Dad...

(Click on the article to enlarge it.)

Thanks for "drugging" us all those years.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy 50th!

Dear Bill and Nel,

Do you believe all these words of admiration, love, respect, and appreciation?? You should. They are true! Celebrate your lasting marriage, celebrate being surrounded by your proud children and their beautiful children, celebrate many years of dedicated service to others and to God, and also believe and celebrate the powerful and positive impact your faith and compassion and humor have had on so many of us who love you and celebrate all these things with you. Congratulations! Thank you for your beautiful example. I know of no one who deserves to rejoice and deserves these wonderful tributes more than the two of you.

I wish you a very happy 50th Anniversary Celebration and God’s blessings for many more years together.

Much love and fond memories,

Ted Wilson

You guys have a great party! Maybe our paths will cross again some day at Pepperdine or who knows where.



Thursday, October 21, 2010

Dear Bill & Nelda
We cherish our memories of you both and your sweet family. You were such a blessing to us at Lompoc and we know you continue to be a blessing to each other
and to the church in Visalia.

We've tried to find some pictures that
would be representative of our shared time at Lompoc.
We have found that time has taken it's toll on our pictures but perhaps the ones we did find will bring back some precious memories.

By-the-way, when you get to the Family Encampment pictures of Yosemite, you may remember the 8 mile Panorama Trail hike we took. I hope by now that you have forgiven me for talking you into that hike. You were good sports about it.

We love you guys and wish we could be there to help you celebrate your 50th.

I know Bill can appreciate these 2.Bill and I went to San Fernando to bring this thing back and had to do a huge repair job before we were successful. Needed a new drive shaft. Bill drove it back to Lompoc.

These 2 are men's fellowship breakfast. Not good pictures but very meaningful.
See how many you can name, Bill. Maybe I need to jog the "Old Folks" memory.
Virgil Leach, Marshall Anderson, Bill, Curt House, Bruce Brown, Jim Williams, Larry Lang, Bob Wilson, Jim Sasser and Lee Mock.

Picture on right above includes, Bob Wilson, Bill, Ken House, Marshall Anderson, Curtis House, Glenn Thompson, Floyd Marshall, Larry Lang, Jim Williams, Bruce Brown, Eldon House, Hubert Eatmon. The Brother's name to the left of Glenn escapes my memory.
The above pictures were taken in 1965.

Bill's Model T in Flower Festival Parade, 1965. This was VBS 1966

This was taken in 1976 This was taken in 1977

Yosemite Family Encampment, Yea! That's Bill on the left & Nelda hiding in the tree.

There's more, but enough for now.
Our love to you

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dearest Bill and Nel,

Bill and Nel,
"Oh", what a wonderful number to celebrate.  I am so happy for you, to share a 50-year adventure with someone you love so dearly.  You have proven that by your lovely children and  grandchildren.  I love you both very much.  I know we are family, but I would have chosen you to be my friends.  I wish for you another 50 years together.
Love, Linda Huie

Monday, October 18, 2010

Congratulations, Bill and Nelda!

Congratulations!!  Both of you have been a great example of how a Godly marriage should be.  The love for each other and the love of your children is seen by everyone that knows you.  We wished we could be there in person to share in this wonderful celebration.  May you have many years of good health, peace and love.

Love Polly and Larry Franks

Happy 50th, Bill and Nelda!

To Bill and Nelda

From the writings of Randy Alcorn I was reading the other day words to the effect of, we lead others to Christ by being like Christ.  I loved the simplicity of this remark, the wisdom, and the simple truth of it.  I believe these words capture the essence of your lives better than of anyone else I know.  You two have spent your lives being Christ-like and have had tremendous influence FOR Christ, probably much more than you know.  (You'll find out the extent of it when you get to heaven.)  Bill, you took on the responsibility of being an elder in Lompoc, with all it's ensuing headaches and blessings.  That was a wondrous blessing to me and my family.  It gave me a great security during that time.  I want to thank you for that.  I remember one time specifically when you came to my defense.  I had a little boy in Sunday school who was giving me a really hard time (If I remember it right, he hauled off and slugged me.)  You straightened him out in no time.  I also remember great times at the Pepperdine lectureships, times you had us in your home (Nelda you are a wonderful cook!) and several occasions you took the time to just listen.  All of these the actions of a pastor who loves his flock, and we weren't always all that lovable!

Nelda, you had the very hard job of being an elder's wife but you never acted as though it were a burden and it must have been at times.  You showed nothing but love, kindness, gentleness and were always there encouraging, listening, and teaching.  I remember a lesson you gave (don't remember the venue; must have been a ladie's Bible class?) and you gave us the story of a corporate CEO lady who ran her own company.  She said she always took the attitude of "It's not a problem," whenever she was faced with problems.  Do you remember this?  For some reason it really stuck with me and I have tried to adapt this attitude over the years, with great results!  This is just one little example of the sphere of your influence; the way you have let your light shine.  In recent years I have so enjoyed all your family news and pictures on Facebook.  All your godly children and grandchildren are your true legacy.  Through them, your light will continue to shine down through generations.  So let me wish you a very happy 50th Anniversary with many more years to come.  With love,

Carol and John Douglas

Warmest Wishes for your Anniversary!

Bill and Nel, 
So many memories and good talks we have had together.
We have been such good friends over the many years we have known each other.
The Bates Motel is always open and a DP in the frig.
Have a Blessed Anniversary.
A friend for ever, love Dollie

Congratulations from Brice and Erin Yocum

Nel and Bill,
       We have been so blessed by your example and your kindness.  It is so wonderful to see you celebrating 50 years of marriage.  You are such an inspiration to me and Erin.  I have thoroughly enjoyed learning from and with you over the past few years.  Your commitment to one another and your commitment to Christ and His body are proof of the power of Christ's teaching, loving God and loving others.   May you be blessed with many more years and may we all be blessed with your continued company.
Warmest Regards,
Brice and Erin Yocum

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Congratulations Bill and Nel!

My most cherished memory of each of you is your willingness to listen first and then discuss any issue on our minds. Unfortunately this is a rare quality in today's world with all the "instant" communication available.  Really listening takes time and a true commitment to people.  So many people today are already thinking about something else before a conversation has ended.  We wish you a happy 50th and hope we'll get to see you at Pepperdine this year!

Nina Taylor

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Happy 50th Anniversary, Bill and Nelda!!

 Once upon a time in the year nineteen hundred seventy three, a guy named Larry from Lompoc met a gal named Linda from Tustin.  They were both teachers and met at LAX….nine weeks later they ran into each other in Amsterdam and went sightseeing, out to dinner, and took in a movie.  A few weeks after returning home, Larry called and invited Linda to Lompoc to attend a high school football game and visit his church.  She stayed with his friends, Donna and Gary Ingraham.  She met many friendly Lompocians including the Huie family at church!! 
      A year later, Larry and Linda were married and living on 3rd street in Lompoc.  It was so much fun having couples over for dinner….. we’re pretty sure the Huies were at Larry’s surprise 30th birthday party at our new house in Vandenberg Village.  Linda had sent out invitations a few weeks earlier assured that the house would be finished and they would be moved in by Larry’s birthday.  Naïve!!!  After many calls, Linda got the electricity turned on 30 minutes before guests arrived.  We picnicked on the carpet and sat on packed boxes eating on a six foot sub sandwich.  
      We remember Nel’s crash while attempting to keep...(was it a coffee pot or crock pot) something from tipping over in her car…….we remember your friendship … being there to congratulate us on the births of our two oldest children….helping with the Joy Bus….later your daughters, Dianne and Sherri babysitting for us the first time we went out without our babies.
      FAST FORWARD many years…there’s Bill and Nel visiting at Visalia Community Church of Christ…Excellent…Larry and Linda immediately insisted on showing them around Visalia emphasizing how much cheaper real estate was in the valley compared to houses in Santa Barbara County.
     We are so thankful you decided to move to Visalia….it has been terrific knowing you as a young elder and his even younger wife, as the parents of terrific kids, as fellow Christians, and as friends.  
     50 years of marriage is remarkable…you are great role models as Christian parents and grandparents.  We send our warmest wishes for many more years of happiness.
                Happy Anniversary with love from,  Linda Rowe

Dear Bill and Nelda,

It was about 1970.  I was hired to teach at Cabrillo High School in Lompoc.  I found my way to the Church of Christ where everyone made a skinny young teacher feel welcome while feeding me good home cooking. 

I was pleased to get involved with the education department and later the Joy Bus Program.  Bill, you were an elder for the church during the years we lived in Lompoc.  Nelda was always there to support you.  The church in Lompoc flourished during those years, and it was no doubt largely due to the leadership and spiritual guidance of elders and their wives like the two of you.  I became a deacon serving as director of the Joy Bus Ministry and overseeing the K-12 education department. These works were successful because of you and your children. Your whole family could be counted on to help.  These programs were also successful because the elders held me accountable for my actions. Remember when I tore out a wall to enlarge a Bible classroom without discussing it with the elders. Oops!

 Bill and Nelda, you both instilled in your children a relationship with Jesus Christ from very early years.  You were great role models for your children and now grandchildren.
50 years is a successful marriage and again a good example for us all.  We wish you many more years of happiness. 

Happy Anniversary from Larry Rowe

Congratulations Nel and Bill

We are so grateful for the opportunity to know you and be loved by you for many years here in Lompoc. Your total love of God, each other and family is truly an example to not only us but to everyone around you. You are true examples of God's love for us and to the world. You have been such a great blessing, strength and help to us and we know that we are better Christians for having known you. Congratulations and have a great celebration

We love you and pray that you have many, many more years together.
Steve, Vickie and Chris

PS: We have truly loved and enjoyed your Jag

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Wow!  50 years!  You know that makes you all our heroes! Heartfelt congratulations, Bill and Nelda. 
In reminiscing, what we appreciate learning most from you two is "Keep your sense of humor when your kids do something dumb."  Need we say  more than "Baskin Robbins" and/or "Don't take your gun to town, Son?" 
We pray continued blessings for you both.
Much love,
Jim and Jeannie  

Dear Bill and Nelda,

It's hard to know where to begin with the memories made while we were in Lompoc.  You two were part of the fabric that made our time there so great.  Your loving friendship, kind words, and Godly examples of fine parenthood are just a few of the ways that you touched our lives.  We thank you with all of our hearts for including us in your lives, and we pray that your 50th anniversary will be a glorious celebration of all that you have done, and continue to do to share yourselves with others, as I know you share with one another.  We love and miss you!  Come see us in Texas one of these days!  We'd love to come up your way too!  Blessings to you and all of your family,  
Cheryl and Ken Thornton

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear Nel and Bill,


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dearest Bill and Nell,

Congratulations on your 50 years together! You are truly an inspiration
and great example to all of us. Your love for our Lord and His word,
your family, and your church family is always evident. You are servants
to the core. I always felt your unconditional love and acceptance--you
made me feel as if I was one of your own children. Nel, I remember the
first time I walked into your home--so warm and inviting. Now that I'm a
"Mimi" I understand completely your excitement over each and every one
of your grandchildren and remember sitting down at your dining room
table looking at all of the recent photographs of them. They are all so
precious! How fun it's been to watch them grow now that we're on
Facebook and now you are sharing with me the wonders of being a
grandparent. It is the best thing. I'll always remember your amazing
cooking and baking! We did have some good times, didn't we? BSF, our
Wednesday morning Bible studies, our small group, and all of our mutual
wonderful friends. 

I know you will have a wonderful time celebrating this event with your
beautiful children and grandchildren who love you both so much. Life is good. 

Much love and blessings....

Jill Wilson 

Happy 50th Anniversary, Bill and Nelda!

May you have a wonderul life, (do you remember me the old lady) Love, Virginia Ulrich


Bill and Nelda
You are some of our old friends (we're old also) your wonderful,
and Godly people.  So glad to have had you in our lives.
                             We love you, Ralph & Mary Ellen Heinrich

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy 50th!

Bill and Nelda,

Best wishes to both of you on your anniversary.  You are so very special and 
such an inspiration to me.  I have so many fond memories of you that I will 
treasure forever.  HAPPY 50TH with many wonderful years ahead.

Love ya

Kim Bower

Happy 50th Bill and Nell!

Our relationship with you, Bill and Nell, has been, and is, very important to us. We have enjoyed traveling, both in the surrounding mountains in this area and in Hawaii and through the Canadian Rockies. We feel blessed to consider you among our best and closest friends, as well as fellow Christians.  
Jerry Snyder

Friday, October 8, 2010

Bill and Nelda,

Thought we would send a note to the "young marrieds" to wish you a very happy 50th anniversary!! If it is with you as it is with us, it seems just like yesterday when we walked down the isle. But, of course it wasn't!! Frank will turn 50 in a couple of years!! We can't believe we have a child nearly 50, but we look back at our wedding pictures and say, "Wow, we were just kids!"

We were so happy to see you guys and the kids last year. ("Excuse me, you said John, WHO? MERCY!!) My, we wish we looked as vibrant and health as you two did, but again, we are older!

It is wonderful that you reached this major milestone in your lives. May God continue to bless you as he has so far!

We love you,

Ray and Yvonne Allen

Happy 50th, Bill and Nelda!

"We remember fondly the visits with you to 'Fosters'. Have a wonderful day full
of memories." 
Love, Jim and Kerrol Williams.

Happy 50th Anniversary!

Bill and Nel,

It has been a pleasure getting to know you through Church! It's funny how we gravitate to the same seats every Sunday and you are always right in front of us...I guess we really are creatures of habit.

50 years...what an accomplishment in our society today! You are truly an inspiration of love, kindness, devotion and a Christ-centered marriage. We are thrilled with the opportunity to share this moment with you and we hope for many more celebrated anniversaries in the years to come.

Best Wishes to You!
LeAnne, Audra and Sawyer Pratt

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary  to You and Many More,  We so enjoy when You come back to US and Visit".    Love and Prayers  Debbie Tinney

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Congratulations on your Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. We enjoyed your friendship while you were living in Lompoc. It was fun seeing our daughters together during those years. We hope you enjoy many more years together.
Charles and Judith

Congratulations on your 50 years together!

Dearest Bill and Nel,

I am excited to extend my congratulations to you for 50 beautiful years together. You have always been such an inspiration to me and cherish you both!

I pray that God will bless you with many more years together.



Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Happy Anniversary!

You two are an inspiration to many, as well as, me and Una.  It has been a pleasure to know you, worship with you, study the word together, and enjoy fellowship.  As young as you are it is hard to believe you have been married for half a century.  I hope you have many more years ahead of you.  Your pictures are wonderful!  The blog is very well put together.  Again, thanks for being the fine Christian example you are.  God bless!
Rod Keen

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy 50th!

Oh my, my........50 years! Did you know the Frisbee is 50 years old and the Peace symbol, the Atwater Church of Christ (my company Guild Mortgage) and the Barbie Doll........that is how long you have been married. Holy cow batman!
I remember the "new" Atwater Church building and the old chicken poop tent meeting pews we started out with and the big argument over what color the front paneling should be (Rube Driver fixed that and made it cordovan red). Well, there we were; Dad Walters all "down in the mouth" with his first daughter getting married and the "lovely Nelda (not Nel) Walters and the very thin Bill Huie ready to move on with a great marriage. And that is exactly what it has been (oh, I know of a few irritations over missing dining tables traded for new air compressors and the like but over all pretty good deal).
We love you two and you are a great example of what it should be like, so on to another 50. God bless you for many years to come.  Much love, Ed and LaDonna

Happy Anniversary, Bill and Nel!

Though our time together in Lompoc was short, you left lasting footprints on our hearts. This world would be a better place if there were more marriages like yours with Jesus in the center.
We love you and wish you many more
happy years together.
Michael and Judy Follis

Congratulations, Bill and Nel!

I worked with and for you, Bill, for several years in the 1960's. We worked together
at Federal Electric's Range Safety group. I knew you even before I met Pam and Pam and I celebrated our 44th anniversary this year not far behind you two. 

Bill, you introduced me to and instilled in me a love for German automotive engineering. You influenced/persuaded me to buy a Porsche Speedster I think in 1963. That was the most interesting automobile I've ever owned. Had I the foresight to have kept it.... ah yes. While on Porsche autos I've had three I'll call thrilling riding experiences in these fine machines. One was with a man named Vasek Polak in Redondo Beach Ca. who I found out afterwards had been a Spyder race driver, the second was with you, Bill, on the road from Lompoc to Vandenberg, the third was a friend in San Jose Ca. I do not expect to have a fourth such ride as at my age I'm sure my heart couldn't cope. I used the word thrilling but harrowing would be a closer description of those rides. 
Today I always think of you, Bill, when I see a Porsche pass on the road.

Pam and I visited you both I think four or five years ago and we truly enjoyed seeing you. 
Pam and I send our best and congratulations on your anniversary!
Herb and Pam

PS: I'm thinking of writing a congratulatory letter to our
president thanking him for saving the country from financial
ruin.  Nel, would you like for me to include your name?

Dear Bill and Nel,

Wow! Congratulations! With all of life's uneven pathways, reaching 50 years
is no small fete.  
Nola and I agree that your faith and love for God and your love with
respect for each other is 
a combination that is tough to beat. Bill, what can I did good
picking Nel! And yes, I did
good picking Nola.  What is even more amazing is that they both said YES,
when we popped the question
Our prayer for the two of you is to truly enjoy this time in your life! 
What a blessing! And may God continue to bless you for your future years.

Love and best wishes,

Harlan and Nola

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dearest Bill and Nell,

We had some really good times and some really bad times together.  I think that it caused both of us to move and rethink what we believe and our purpose.  I'm happy to say that we have found a church "home" in a wonderful, old methodist church near our neighborhood.  We have made many new friends, but still remember old friends like you with much fondness.  We wish you the very best and a very happy anniversary.

Love,  Carolyn & Bill Looney
Dear Nell & Bill,

It has been a pleasure knowing you over the years. You have been a steady rock and a source of inspiration for both of us. We love the fact that there are still couples out there celebrating 50 years together. Much more, we love and admire your enthusiam and spirit for life. Take Good Care & Godspeed, Abie & Sharon

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Happy 50th Bill and Nel!

  We only knew you for a few years while we lived in Lompoc, but you both became very  special to us.  You are such strong Christians, dedicated parents and grandparents, and
kind generous people that we feel proud and blessed to call you our friends.
   The love between you just radiates and makes those that are in your presence glad to be there.  At this time of your 50th Anniversary, we send you our love, and God's blessings for many more years together.  Time has proved that you are the perfect couple!
Congratulations!  Joyce and Roger Duckworth

Monday, September 27, 2010

We love you, Bill and Nelda!

We met your parent way back on the early  wild and wooley 60's, Marshal & I had just gotten married in Crosbyton Texas and a month later we were headed to a strange state called California. Met Bill & Nel shortly after arriving in a place called Lompoc and were stationed at Vandenberg AFB. They had a little girl names Diane and she was a little doll, that loved her paci's. Soooooo much they placed about 100  give or take in her crib at night so she could locate one when she woke up during the night. About a year later Nel gave me a baby girl shower for sweet little  Monica. Bill loved his demolition derbys, Nell loved being a mom and homemaker and being a good friend to this little teenager wife from Texas. We shared many a good times over the next two years, Meals together, trips to the beach, going to showers on the base in our pajamas, ( yep that is right our pajamas right through the front gate) We have many wonderful memories of our few years in Lompoc some have faded , but the friendship with Bill & Nel keep the bond very strong between us.  One very important memory for me was I was not a christian when I arrived there, Nel treated me as a sister. Love you guys. Marshal & Rubye

Sunday, September 26, 2010


We thoroughly enjoyed sharing Lompoc days with you and your family. I specifically remember your driving us through the hills and dales one spring so we could all enjoy the flowers. You've shared 50 years together and touched and mentored many lives. And now you're in the Rabbit stage--what fun. May God bless you with continued health and happiness! ~the Lords

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Happy 50th, Bill and Nelda,

50 years have passed and the two of you
continue to show us all what a marriage should be.

You're quick to show encouragement
but slow to criticize.
You show your strength in troubled times
but speak with loving eyes.

You are such an inspiration because
of the loving things you do
And your marriage enriches not only you
but those of us who love you too. 

Love to you both,
Lynnda (Bates)

Happy Anniversary

Bill and Nelda,

Congratulations on your 50th wedding anniversary. You have had many great years together and three beautiful children and many grandchildren.

I hope you have many more years together,

Friday, September 24, 2010

Congratulations, Aunt Nelda and Uncle Bill!

Dear Aunt Nelda and Uncle Bill,
I was a young kid when you two got married, so I don't have many stories to
share.  But, often at Grandma's house I would look at your high school
graduation picture, Nelda, and think how beautiful you were! I missed you
not being around.

Sherri did a great job of assembling the pictures on this website. They have
been so fun to look at. Your family had a "Brady Bunch" family photo similar
to ours, big hair and  Also, did we all go through the same stage
with our long dresses where we looked a bit "hippie"? If these were the
"good ole days", why did we forget to smile - ha?!

One thing I can't help notice is how much younger and relaxed you both look
as you became grandparents. You, Bill, look younger without the beard, but
having grandchildren seems to suit you both. 

I wish you many, many more years of wedded bliss, health and happiness.
Thanks for allowing us to share in your special day.

With love, Karen (Walters) Rigel