Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy 50th!

Oh my, my........50 years! Did you know the Frisbee is 50 years old and the Peace symbol, the Atwater Church of Christ (my company Guild Mortgage) and the Barbie Doll........that is how long you have been married. Holy cow batman!
I remember the "new" Atwater Church building and the old chicken poop tent meeting pews we started out with and the big argument over what color the front paneling should be (Rube Driver fixed that and made it cordovan red). Well, there we were; Dad Walters all "down in the mouth" with his first daughter getting married and the "lovely Nelda (not Nel) Walters and the very thin Bill Huie ready to move on with a great marriage. And that is exactly what it has been (oh, I know of a few irritations over missing dining tables traded for new air compressors and the like but over all pretty good deal).
We love you two and you are a great example of what it should be like, so on to another 50. God bless you for many years to come.  Much love, Ed and LaDonna