Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Friday, October 22, 2010

Happy 50th!

Dear Bill and Nel,

Do you believe all these words of admiration, love, respect, and appreciation?? You should. They are true! Celebrate your lasting marriage, celebrate being surrounded by your proud children and their beautiful children, celebrate many years of dedicated service to others and to God, and also believe and celebrate the powerful and positive impact your faith and compassion and humor have had on so many of us who love you and celebrate all these things with you. Congratulations! Thank you for your beautiful example. I know of no one who deserves to rejoice and deserves these wonderful tributes more than the two of you.

I wish you a very happy 50th Anniversary Celebration and God’s blessings for many more years together.

Much love and fond memories,

Ted Wilson

You guys have a great party! Maybe our paths will cross again some day at Pepperdine or who knows where.

