Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy 50th, Bill and Nelda!

To Bill and Nelda

From the writings of Randy Alcorn I was reading the other day words to the effect of, we lead others to Christ by being like Christ.  I loved the simplicity of this remark, the wisdom, and the simple truth of it.  I believe these words capture the essence of your lives better than of anyone else I know.  You two have spent your lives being Christ-like and have had tremendous influence FOR Christ, probably much more than you know.  (You'll find out the extent of it when you get to heaven.)  Bill, you took on the responsibility of being an elder in Lompoc, with all it's ensuing headaches and blessings.  That was a wondrous blessing to me and my family.  It gave me a great security during that time.  I want to thank you for that.  I remember one time specifically when you came to my defense.  I had a little boy in Sunday school who was giving me a really hard time (If I remember it right, he hauled off and slugged me.)  You straightened him out in no time.  I also remember great times at the Pepperdine lectureships, times you had us in your home (Nelda you are a wonderful cook!) and several occasions you took the time to just listen.  All of these the actions of a pastor who loves his flock, and we weren't always all that lovable!

Nelda, you had the very hard job of being an elder's wife but you never acted as though it were a burden and it must have been at times.  You showed nothing but love, kindness, gentleness and were always there encouraging, listening, and teaching.  I remember a lesson you gave (don't remember the venue; must have been a ladie's Bible class?) and you gave us the story of a corporate CEO lady who ran her own company.  She said she always took the attitude of "It's not a problem," whenever she was faced with problems.  Do you remember this?  For some reason it really stuck with me and I have tried to adapt this attitude over the years, with great results!  This is just one little example of the sphere of your influence; the way you have let your light shine.  In recent years I have so enjoyed all your family news and pictures on Facebook.  All your godly children and grandchildren are your true legacy.  Through them, your light will continue to shine down through generations.  So let me wish you a very happy 50th Anniversary with many more years to come.  With love,

Carol and John Douglas