Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Congrats on your 50th!

Bill and Nel,
The morning we left California to move to North Carolina, we had breakfast with you as we were leaving town.  Bill ordered the 'Rooti Tooti Fresh and Fruiti'.  We were not eating at the resturant that advertised that, but you knew that, and just ordered it to see the look on the face of the little gal that was waiting on us.  As she was trying to tell you that they didn't serve that, you were laughing, Nel was embarassed, and I was thinking that this was just another day in the Huie household. We got our food, ate, and you prayed for our safety as we said our goodbyes. That was 8 years ago and although we have talked a few times, we have only seen each other a couple of times. But with good friends it doesn't matter.  Good friends are always close even though they don't see each other much.

 Thank you for your example to us on how to be a Christian family, for the hospitality you two always showed us, (and everyone else), thank you for excellent car advice, and thanks for showing Nancy and me how wives and husbands should treat each other.

Congrats on your 50th.  
Dave and Nancy