Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Dearest Bill and Nell,

Congratulations on your 50 years together! You are truly an inspiration
and great example to all of us. Your love for our Lord and His word,
your family, and your church family is always evident. You are servants
to the core. I always felt your unconditional love and acceptance--you
made me feel as if I was one of your own children. Nel, I remember the
first time I walked into your home--so warm and inviting. Now that I'm a
"Mimi" I understand completely your excitement over each and every one
of your grandchildren and remember sitting down at your dining room
table looking at all of the recent photographs of them. They are all so
precious! How fun it's been to watch them grow now that we're on
Facebook and now you are sharing with me the wonders of being a
grandparent. It is the best thing. I'll always remember your amazing
cooking and baking! We did have some good times, didn't we? BSF, our
Wednesday morning Bible studies, our small group, and all of our mutual
wonderful friends. 

I know you will have a wonderful time celebrating this event with your
beautiful children and grandchildren who love you both so much. Life is good. 

Much love and blessings....

Jill Wilson