Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Bill and Nel begin their lives together...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grandma and Grandpa are AMAZING!!!!!!

I love you Grandma and Grandpa!!!!

You are so amazing.  I love you Grandma for your servant spirit.  You're always in the kitchen cooking, cleaning, or just serving us.  I have all kinds of wonderful memories of you having fun with us.  You had the tea party for us girls, and we still have the water bottle fish that we made at your house!  The fish are going to decorate Tessa's room. You're great, Grandma.  You always love us (and spoil us-- but that's a Grandma's job) :)
Grandpa, you are such a stupendous Grandpa because you are always making us laugh and having fun with us.  I remember the rocket that we fired off at the park.  You love to entertain, and we love it. You both are a wonderful godly example for all of your grandkids.  WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy 50th Anniversary!!!  I hope that you will have a great time celebrating your fifty years together.  Thank you for being WONDERFUL grandparents.

Gorgeous                        Great
Really special                  Revered
Amazing                          Awesome
Marvelous                       Much loved
More amazingness         Praiseworthy
Imaginative                     Admirable

With TONS of love,